Monday, December 12, 2011

WE'RE HERE!! ptl

WE have arrived people!  The Dubai internet however is in Arabic, so me actually posting this blog is kind of a miracle! So our plane rides were fantastic.  John and I were talking about why it felt like such a long time even though it had only really been 24 hours.  But the sun set twice! So it felt like a couple of days all together! After 8 hours of layover, being called tweens, riding the monorail in the buildings (!) and some of us sleeping... we arrived in Dubai, spent a while in the Passport line and were greeted by the Parks! eeek! It has been so fun gettting to be in their home for a little while. We walked out to the beach this morning! It's so close to their home! We got breakfast from a place called the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.  It was so great! I have already enjoyed being here so much, I can't wait to see what is to come next on our adventure!

Pictures to come, stalkers

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